Level 4 Extended Diploma in Early Childhood Education
The Extended Diploma in Early Childhood Education is designed for early years’ practitioners working in the child care sector who are looking to further their knowledge, skills and competencies in teaching and caring for young children. Learners will gain a comprehensive insight into the main areas of early childhood education. The programme adheres closely to the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) – 2013 stipulating that an early childhood teacher must:
- Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children.
- Promote good progress and outcomes by children.
- Demonstrate good knowledge of early learning and EYFS.
- Plan education and care taking account of the needs of all children.
- Adapt education and care to respond to the strengths and needs of all children.
- Make accurate and productive use of assessment.
- Safeguard and promote the welfare of children and provide a safe learning environment.
- Fulfil wider professional responsibilities.
On completion of this programme, learners will be able to demonstrate the standards stipulated above and take their knowledge of early childhood to a higher level. The Extended Diploma qualification has the same level of demand as the first year of a degree programme. The programme can be taken as a stand-alone qualification or students may progress to the Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Programme Learning Outcome
On completion of the programme, learners will be able to:
- Trace the history and philosophy of early childhood education.
- Explain the physical, cognitive and socioemotional development of the holistic child.
- Design, develop and introduce teaching-learning strategies for reading, early literacy, mathematics, science and social studies.
- Explain how children’s learning and development are affected by their stage of development and individual circumstances.
- Implement strategies that ensures children health, nutrition and safety in school and at home.
- Demonstrate the importance of promoting diversity, equality and inclusion fully reflecting cultural differences and family circumstances.
- Prepare and support children through transitions and significant events in their lives and the management of children’s behaviours
Assessments are based wholly on course work and assignments submitted by learners
Entry Requirement
- Completion of a level 3 qualification or equivalent.
- Applicants may be admitted on evidence to show they are able to fulfill and benefit from the objectives of the programme and achieve the standards required.
Programme Structure
The Level 4 Extended Diploma accrues 120 credits over 8 modules. Each module carries 15 credits and are in:
Module 1 – Foundations of Early Childhood Education
Module 2 – Learning in the Early Years and Teaching Strategies
Module 3 – Growth and Development of the Holistic Child
Module 4 – Health, Nutrition and Safety of Children
Module 5 – Socioemotional Development of Children
Module 6 – Teaching Young Children Mathematics
Module 7 – Children with Special Needs and Diverse Backgrounds
Module 8 – Social Studies for Young Children
Module 1 – Foundations of Early Childhood Education
Course Description:
The course introduces students to the basic concepts and principles of early childhood education. This review includes an introduction to early childhood education, the history of the child, various approaches in early childhood education, relevant laws and regulations on protection of children, code of ethical conduct, core competencies for the field and developmentally appropriate practices, the role of the early childhood professional, and (d) current early childhood education issues.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- 7 Trac
- e the history of early childhood education
- Compare the different philosophical approaches in early childhood education
- Evaluate relevant acts, rules and regulations protecting the well-being of the child
- Create and present an effective philosophy statement for early childhood education.
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Trace the history of children
- Philosophy of early childhood education – Froebel, Waldorf Steiner, Montessori, High Scope
- Benefits of investment in early childhood education
- Explain the current issues and trends, legal issues, and legislation and other public policies affecting children
- Describe the role of the early childhood profession and current thought and practice
- Demonstrate an awareness of current trends and issues in the field of early childhood education
Module 2 – Learning in the Early Years and Teaching Strategies
Course Description:
The course consists of two parts: how children learn and generic strategies for teaching children. The first part focuses on the theories by Skinner, Bandura, Piaget, Vygostsky and Bruner and their explanation of how children learn. Also discussed is the issue of intelligence focussing on the multiple intelligence theory and the triarchic mind. The second part examines the design and development of teaching strategies and appropriate learning activities for children in preschool and kindergarten. Focus is on developmentally appropriate practices, the thematic approach and strategies catering to individual differences.
Learning Outcomes:
- Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- Compare the different theories explaining how children learn
- Discuss the different teaching-learning methods for children
- Design and develop developmentally appropriate practices (DAP)
- Implement teaching-learning methods that encourage child-centred discovery
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Piaget and Vygotsky’s theory of learning
- Skinner, Bandura and Kohler theories of learning
- Developmentally appropriate practices
- Inquiry-based, project-based and discovery learning
- Teaching methods encouraging critical, innovative and creative thinking
- Learning environments that are child and family friendly, barrier free, inclusionary, and meet state regulatory requirements.
Module 3 – Growth and Development of the Holistic Child
Course Description:
The course examines the major theories and research findings in the physical, cognitive, language and social/emotional domains of development of young children from conception through age 8 will be the focus of this course. The work of Piaget (constructivism), Erikson (psychosocial theory), and Maslow (hierarchy of needs) will be emphasised. Emphasis will be placed on understanding children’s development in the moment and the power of observations.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- Explain child growth and development
- Describe the physical development of children
- Trace the intellectual development of children
- Analyse the socioemotional development of children
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Difference between growth and development
- Research methods used in studying children growth and development
- Physical development from infancy, toddler, early and middle childhood
- Cognitive development of children
- Emotional development of children from birth to middle childhood
- Social development of children
- Behaviour management and guidance
- Responsibilities of families, teachers, and specialists in creating supportive environments
Module 4 – Health, Nutrition and Safety of Children
Course Description:
The course examines major issues affecting the health, nutrition and safety of young children in early childhood settings emphasising general well-being of children and first aid as it applies to young children. Nutrition and policy considerations about paediatric medications, infectious disease control, sick child care, universal precautions and liability, and health record keeping will be discussed. Students will learn how to plan lessons related to health, nutrition and safety of children into the overall programme
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- Define health promotion and prevention in child care settings
- Identify tools for promoting good health, nutrition and safety of children
- Discuss health care policies relevant to society and childcare
- Identify and discuss the importance of infection control and health management in the community and childcare setting.
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Impact of the early years on children’s life-long health and nutritional status
- Nutritional needs of children
- Nutrition standards, guidelines, and national initiatives
- Promoting wellness of children
- Influences on children’s health and nutrition
- Meal-time environments for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children
- Meal plans and snacks that meet children’s nutritional needs
- Childhood diseases and symptoms
- Current trends affecting health and nutrition
Module 5 – Socioemotional Development of Children and Guidance
Course Description:
The course discusses the socioemotional development of children which includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. It encompasses both intrapersonal (within oneself) and interpersonal (with others) process
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- trace the socioemotional development of children
- describe the various kinds of positive and negative behaviours of children
- implement specific strategies is managing the behaviour of children
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Introduction to socioemotional development
- Influences on socioemotional development
- Emotional abuse and resiliency
- Fostering socioemotional development in children
- Negative and positive behaviour
- Guidance of children
- Strategies and methods of guidance
Module 6 – Teaching Young Learners Mathematics
Course Description:
How can we as educators develop in children the love for mathematics and improve their mathematical thinking. This course consists of two components: content knowledge about mathematics and the teaching of mathematics to young children. The content component seeks to update the mathematical knowledge of teachers and deals with understanding basic concepts & principles in measurement, numbers, geometry and so forth. The teaching components focuses on mathematics teaching methods, mathematics activities, assessment in mathematics and use of teaching aids.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- understand the basic concepts, principles & laws in numbers, measurement, geometry, relationships & data management.
- implement various teaching methods that will enhance mathematics understandings in young children
- adopt assessment methods that measures achievement in mathematics and identification of strengths & weaknesses
- use various teaching aids to enhance acquisition of mathematics concepts & principles among young children
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Mathematics and children
- How children learn mathematics
- Numeration, geometry and spatial sense
- Measurement and money
- Assessment of children learning mathematics
- Mathematics learning centres and manipulative
- Fun mathematics teaching methods
Module 7 – Children with Special Needs and Diverse Backgrounds
Course Description:
Children with special needs are children with different types of learning disabilities. The course focuses on the identification, prevalence and intervention strategies for children with dyslexia, autism, ADHD, hearing impairment, visual impairment and giftedness. Also examined are children with diverse background relating to culture, ethnicity, religion, language and family income. The course will also examine various anti-bias approaches to create multicultural and inclusive learning spaces for young children where diversity is respected with an emphasis on social justice.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- Differentiate between the different types of disabilities among children
- Plan and implement intervention strategies to help children with disabilities
- Create socially inclusive learning environment for children from diverse backgrounds
- Understand the socio-political and ecological factors’ impacting young children and their education.
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Children with special needs and special education
- Children with dyslexia and intervention strategies
- Children with ADHD and intervention strategies
- Children with autism and intervention strategies
- Emotional and behavioural disorders
- Auditory and visual loss
- Theoretical perspectives to understand diversity and inclusion in education
Module 8 – Social Studies for Young Children
Course Description:
The course focuses on the social studies which is defined to include history, geography, economics, culture, environmental education and civics. The course seeks to develop in children good citizenship skills and how to live in a community while respecting children from diverse backgrounds. Focus is on the function of the social studies and planning lessons & learning activities that will inculcate values and skills to enable children to adapt to society.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Unit, students would be able to:
- Define the social studies
- Explain the importance of teaching the social studies
- Describe the methods for teaching economics, civics, history and geography to children
- Inculcate values and citizenship skills when teaching of the social studies
Indicative Content / Topics:
- Define the social studies
- Teaching of history to young children
- Teaching economics to young children
- Teaching civics to young children
- Teaching geography to young children
- Teaching about caring of the environment to children
- Teaching children about culture
Mode of Delivery
Blended Delivery Mode
Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal | Face-to-Face classes conducted at a learning centre at 12 hours per module | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module |
Face to face Taught Mode
Face-to-Face lasses conducted with not less than 12 hours of classes per module at a learning centre | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module |
Fully Online Mode
Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module |
For the Blended Mode and Face to Face Fully Taught Mode please Contact Us to find an Approved Learning Centre near you.
Please note we are constantly adding LEB Approved Centres.
For the Fully Online Mode please enrol now to sign up for the next available intake.
Notional Hours
Notional hours are defined in terms of the amount of time it should take a learner to achieve the learning outcomes. Each credit requires on average 10 notional hours of a learner’s time.
Guide to Learning Hours / Student Learning Time
The Level 4 Programme accrues 120 credits spread over 8 modules or 1,200 notional hours in total. Each module therefore equates to 150 notional hours and the programme should take between 8 to 12 months to complete.