Mode of Delivery
Blended Delivery Mode
Self-Instructional Learning Material | Face To Face Tutorials | Online Discussions |
Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal. | Face-to-Face classes conducted at a learning centre at 12 hours per module. | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module. |
Full Online Mode
Self-Instructional Learning Material | Online Discussions |
Students are given a complete set of learning materials to facilitate independent study which can be downloaded from the designated Learning Portal. | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module. |
Face to face Taught Mode
Face To Face Classes | Online Discussions |
Face-to-Face lasses conducted with not less than 12 hours of classes per module at a learning centre. | Learners are encouraged to participate in online discussions with other learners and their tutors for at least 18 hours per module. |